Mr. Junaid Islam

Chief Executive Officer

With a passion for sustainable innovation and a drive for excellence, Mr. Islam leads our team with vision and dedication. His strategic insight and commitment to fostering a culture of integrity and innovation propel Reneco towards its mission of revolutionizing sustainable mobility in Bangladesh and beyond. Under his guidance, Reneco continues to thrive as a pioneering force in the electric vehicle industry, making significant strides towards a greener and more sustainable future.

“It’s time to disrupt the status quo and challenge the notion of making big, bold changes in the realm of renewable energy. We are driven by the belief that clean, sustainable energy is the future & we are not afraid to take the big leaps necessary to make that vision a reality.”

Mr. fahim khan

Chief operating Officer

Mr. Fahim Khan plays a pivotal role in Reneco’s operational success. With his extensive expertise in operations management and strategic planning, Mr. Khan ensures seamless execution of our initiatives. His dedication to efficiency and excellence drives Reneco towards operational excellence, enabling us to deliver innovative and sustainable mobility solutions to our customers. 

“Transportation is undergoing significant change and we must adapt to the changing transportation landscape. Through Reneco, we won’t be able to completely upend the industry overnight rather it will be a modest but steady climb.”